Building on a foundation - Cinema 4D and Redshift
As I grew in my 3D design and Cinema4D learning – it was time to extend into much more complex rendering and texturing techniques. Through my job, I was able to use the Redshift plugin, and really push my textures and renders.
I wanted to make something I was familiar with, my “quiet place” – where I paint miniatures!
Throughout this project, I used realistic texture maps, UV decals, modelling, and volumetric to create a moody, “realistic” digital copy of my desk, complete with a pre-made miniature, ready for his closeup!
This project tested me, but It came out wonderfully. I used many of the texturing techniques I learned in future, work-related projects.
Technology Used: Cinema 4D, Redshift, Photoshop, Illustrator
Tagged Cinema 4D / Redshift